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2014 Naoki Miyoshi

Sydney Shoulder Research Institute - Visiting Fellows & Observers
2014 Visiting Fellow

Naoki Miyoshi

Asahikawa (JAPAN)

Dr Naoki Miyoshi

2014 Visiting Fellow


I graduated from Asahikawa medical university (Japan) in 1999, and then began training in general orthopaedic surgery (mainly trauma). I started learning shoulder surgery in 2007 and have been working on treating shoulder diseases through my university since this time. I was introduced to SSRI by Dr Naoki Suenaga, my Japanese boss. He had been a Fellow of Prof Sonnnabend’s 10 years ago. Because shoulder arthroplasty is not very common in Japan and Reverse shoulder arthroplasty has only been seen since 2014, I visited SSRI to learn these techniques.

My Visiting Fellowship Story

At SSRI, I observed hundreds of surgeries with all 4 of the faculty surgeons. Each of them had great ideas and techniques, each different from mine which gave me great education.

My most memorable experience was observing a revision of reverse shoulder arthroplasty using allograft of the whole humerus by Prof Sonnabend.

My family and I loved Sydney so much! It was easy to live there for us even though we are not good at both speaking and hearing English because a lot of people in Sydney were very kind.

Naoki Miyoshi